A cities, towns and villages list and population ranking of Kochi Prefecture

There are cities, towns and villages of 34 in Kochi Prefecture, and the number is the 23rd in the country.

A cities, towns and villages list and population ranking of Kochi Prefecture

Cities, towns and villages list.
And population and the number of households
Cities, towns and villages name

Number of households
Kochi Prefecture
772401 363212 409189 349612
1 Kochi
339714 158209 181505 158320
2 Nankoku
49505 23507 25998 21419
3 Shimanto
36351 17160 19191 16152
4 Konan
34460 16614 17846 14257
5 Tosa
29153 13991 15162 11994
6 Kami
28339 13259 15080 12743
7 Ino-cho, Agawa-gun
26595 12711 13884 11090
8 Susaki
24812 12050 12762 10820
9 Sukumo
23103 10868 12235 10188
10 Aki
19899 9405 10494 8869
11 Shimanto-cho, Takaoka-gun
19814 9353 10461 8791
12 Tosashimizu
16643 7755 8888 8122
13 Muroto
16637 7886 8751 8320
14 Sakawa-cho, Takaoka-gun
14287 6704 7583 6215
15 Kuroshio-cho, Hata-gun
13213 6206 7007 5769
16 Nakatosa-cho, Takaoka-gun
8115 3818 4297 3599
17 Nidogawa-cho, Agawa-gun
6964 3276 3688 3415
18 Tsuno-cho, Takaoka-gun
6782 3219 3563 2757
19 Ochi-cho, Takaoka-gun
6662 3117 3545 3034
20 Otsuki-cho, Hata-gun
6304 2981 3323 2889
21 Hidaka-mura, Takaoka-gun
5778 2719 3059 2486
22 Otoyo-cho, Nagaoka-gun
5009 2265 2744 2634
23 Tosa-cho, Tosa-gun
4466 2124 2342 2040
24 Geisei-mura, Aki-gun
4039 1865 2174 1716
25 Motoyama-cho, Nagaoka-gun
3991 1889 2102 1925
26 Takaoka Yusuhara-cho
3931 1857 2074 1784
27 Nahari-cho, Aki-gun
3698 1686 2012 1783
28 Toyo-cho, Aki-gun
3171 1499 1672 1631
29 Yasuda-cho, Aki-gun
3130 1499 1631 1356
30 Aki Tano-cho
3044 1447 1597 1331
31 Mihara-mura, Hata-gun
1794 855 939 796
32 Kitagawa-mura, Aki-gun
1486 696 790 659
33 Umaji-mura, Aki-gun
1043 492 551 466
34 Okawa-mura, Tosa-gun
469 230 239 242
Ministry of Internal Affairs and Communications (2009 data)